Membership Benefits | AIMM

Membership Benefits

Evenimente specializate și Networking
Specialized Events & Networking

AIM organizes monthly member events, educational seminars, opportunity events, and facilitates members online communication. We provide opportunities for information exchange between members.

Creșterea notorietății companiei tale
Broadening your company name

AIM offers referrals between members, sector associations and other external resources for advice, best practices and business relationships. We promote members by sharing their basic description and contact details on the membership directory, website and in the Facebook closed group.

Consultanță și expertiză profesională
Providing professional consultancy and expertise

AIM provides consultancy in business development, and access to finances together with legal and fiscal support for its members and other SMEs. The purpose is to improve the access to professional consultation and expertise for your company.

Susținerea intereselor companiei dumneavoastră
Advocating your company interests

As an AIM member your voice will be heard at the state bodies level. We collect and synthesize our members issues and challenges and bring them as position papers in discussions with high level officials, state bodies and other support organizations. AIM contributes to business regulatory framework in Moldova.

Programe specializate
Specialized programs

AIM developed specialized programs of support for its members like Task Force Team.

Oportunitatea de a deveni „Membru Gold”
The opportunity to become a ”Gold Member”

As our gold member, you will receive exclusive services and facilities. You will receive one expert consultation per year, access to partner’s events, support in dialogue with the Government, promotion among AIM network and access to our first call resource.