FSEA becomes Alliance of Small and Medium Enterprises from Moldova | AIMM

FSEA becomes Alliance of Small and Medium Enterprises from Moldova

On December 7th FSEA hold its Annual General Members meeting. Among the main topics on the agenda of the meeting were: the presentation of FSEA Annual Report for 2018, Association name change and Board elections.

FSEA President, David Smith welcomed the members and thanked them for supporting FSEA mission in creating a better business environment for SME’s in Moldova. Also, he presented FSEA initiative the Small Business Bill of Rights, initiative realized by the project “A Stronger Voice for Small Businesses” supported by the US Department of State.

The Executive Director, Liliana Busuioc presented the Annual Report for 2018 highlighting the main challenges and success stories of 2018, also the priorities for 2019. The report has been approved by the members.

Mihai Bologan, FSEA Vice president, presented to the members the initiative of name changing of the organization: „After two years of activity in this format, we have found that we can provide added value to all small businesses in the country and we want to open up the association of all aspiring members to become members and actively participate in Alliance activities, regardless of the origin of the founder or capital”. FSEA members unanimously supported the change of the name in Alliance of Small and Medium Enterprises from Moldova.

FSEA Members elected 3 new Board members: Rumleanschi Viorica, the founder of „Vioser Consulting” Prunean Igor, from Gradina Marioarei and Condrațchi Vitalie from Communications Boutique. The new Board componence is from 5 persons: David Smith, Mihai Bologan, Viorica Rumleansci, Igor Prunean and Vitalie Condratchi.