The Executive Director of the Alliance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Moldova (AIM), Liliana Busuioc, had the honor to represent Moldova at the prestigious SME Week event held in Bilbao, Spain. SME Week is the most important forum dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe, organised annually by the European Commission during the European Week of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

The aim of this event is to promote entrepreneurship in Europe, providing business support organisations with a platform for presenting, connecting and learning about the latest trends in the business world.

During three days, Liliana Busuioc participated in numerous discussion panels, interviews, round tables and interactive workshops with various experts in the field. The topics covered were the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the evolution of SME policies at European level, in the context of the European single market.

The experience began with a study visit to the AZTI technology and research center, specialized in marine and food environment. A special moment was the Schumpeter Lesson „Innovation in enterprises” with Prof. Saras Sarasvathy of the University of Virginia, which provided a profound insight into the mindset of expert entrepreneurs and their unique approach to navigating an uncertain future.

In addition, the executive director of AIM had the opportunity to establish new connections with representatives from prestigious European organisations, including business associations, clusters, incubators, and, but also representatives of the General Directorate for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises from the European Commission, as well as members of the European Parliament.

A remarkable aspect of the participation of AIM in this event was the fact that the organization was the only representative from the Republic of Moldova. On this occasion, Liliana Busuioc had an intervention at the end of the event, addressing the role of support organizations and their impact on small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the European integration of the Republic of Moldova.

În concluzie, se subliniază importanța adaptării rapide la standardele europene, iar Republica Moldova trebuie să pregătească atât sectorul privat, cât și instituțiile statului pentru a face față regulilor și standardelor europene. Aderarea la piața unică a Uniunii Europene reprezintă un proces complex, dar esențial pentru evoluția și integrarea durabilă a țării noastre în comunitatea europeană.